Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Two steps forward, one back

I am still lurking in blogland but have been a tad quiet - mainly because I haven't made much knitting progress. I now have something to show and tell so here goes.....

The Angel Puff Scarf is ready for felting. I hope I haven't put the hazelnuts too close together!!

I ran out of time to finish the Florianne's Wedding Bag for my niece for Christmas. Her birthday is in June - I'll aim for that! Only some finishing bits'n'pieces to do.

The Swirly Girl Socks made reasonable progress until I realised the swirly pattern got lost within the dark colours. And then, I discovered a dropped stitch at least 8 rows down. So the sock got yanked off the needles for a good froggin' and a new sock was started in a lighter colourway. I have not made it to the swirl pattern yet as I decided to make the ribbing a bit longer than the pattern suggests.

I may be a tad quiet for the next couple of weeks as I will be away for work (in the WA desert) but I promise to keep knitting on the sock when the temperature drops below 40 degrees. I am
trying to work up the courage to sneak the sock onto the plane.


Kate said...

Try sharpened pencils like Jejune does ; ) Have fun in the desert. (That totally sounds odd) and pack LOTS of sunblock! Your work sounds intriguing if that's where it sends you!

Kate said...

Oh, and the Angel Puff looks great. Can't wait to see how it felts up! Socks - well, I'm always impressed when ANYONE knits socks LOL

Crochet.LouT said...

Have you felted the scarf yet? Need piccies :-)
What yarn did you use for the bag? I love its bright colours.