Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm Still Here

Still here & I've been working on my Rosehip Waistcoat . Unfortunately I've run out of the Sean Sheeps and Big W (in it's wisdom) removes it's yarn during summer. So far I've finished one side and am up to the armhole divide on the second.

This would be a quick knit if I didn't keep getting distracted by other things (Aussie Bag Lady swap on Ravelry & now the next International Scarf Exchange is taking sign ups) &, of course, running out of yarn. But I will get it finished...I already know how I'm going to wear it!

Looking forward to the next issue of Yarn...should be soon.


1 comment:

Kate said...

Ooooo - thanks for telling me about ISE6 - I'll have to see if I can register. Keep plugging away at the challenge; it's really for personal satisfaction and we all know there's lots of other WIPs to compete with! What a bugger about the yarn, though. I think i saw that Big W in Wagga still had yarn out. Would you like me to see if I can match it for you?