Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So here's how it works...

Yarn magazine is about to change. Barb Coddington is selling the mag and moving out of her editor role. For the two years she's produced this magazine, she's delighted many folks with the wonderful depth, breadth and bizarreness of the world of Yarn, as has the magazine contributors' patterns.

This KAL is all about paying tribute to the Coddington YARN era by completing one pattern from each of the Yarn editions you own. Currently there are 8 editions so potentially you could knit 8 patterns (I have only 7 editions so I'll just knit seven. Although there's a couple in edition 8 that draw me...). The KAL starts as soon as you want and finishes when edition 9 of Yarn comes out, hopefully for Southern Hemisphere autumn (ie March) 2008. There's many quick and easy patterns that would make great holiday or birthday pressies and there are some online patterns from the magazines here for those of you who want to join in more enthusiastically but only have one edition.

To join: leave your deets in the comments and I'll add you to the blog so you can leave posts on your project intentions.

If anyone with more graphic design skills than I can lay claim to wants to design a Yarn KAL button, please send me the design to kathrynthorne at hotmail dot com (fill in with the usual symbols) and I'll paste it in the side bar.

Looking forward to sign ups



eriven said...

I'd like to join in.
Email is

Unknown said...

I'd like to join in, I started a project last night. What a great idea Katherine.